Sébastien Habert thives on challenges, the hardest of all being to accommodate nature and the city, thus reconciling man with nature.During his many trips around the globe, he acquired his taste for gardens, perspective, fragrances and colour schemes.
While his scientific background revealed nature to him through a microscope lens, he practiced imagining and recomposing the large housing estates as an alchemist, switching from microcosmos to macrocosmos in the blink of an eye.
Purist, visionary, perfectionist, idealist, pragmatic, he has become a master in the art of composing invisible alchemies. Sébastien Habert strives to give a purpose through his emblematic and symbolic arrangements.
The profusion of floral essences is always subdued by an inner look from distinction and refinement, moulded by serenity.
Acknowledged for his eclecticism and his strong taste for balance and osmosis, he blends sensitivity, vitality and bolts of intuition, making each one of his creations into authentic places of life celebrating nature.
Far from imposing a predefined style, each project is carefully thought out taking into account the geographical features, urban or natural.
This is how in ten years, this virtuoso of landscaping has expressed his taste for excellence by magnifying in a unique way various exteriors, which exude extra spirit, left as a signature.
We cannot command nature except by obeying her